Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wanna try some love spells??

Well, this is an isn't task. Winning hearts is perhaps the most difficult task in the planet. As for love spells, one needs to be aware of these potions or spells. Slight mistakes can turn your world topsy turvy. Lets travel time and see where this was most prevalent. In ancient Egypt, this was practiced vigorously. It was like taking a strand of hair from the person you love, without his/her knowlegde. After you have both the hair then take a plastic bag, put both the hair strands in that bag, after this is done, then you may face north side close your eyes and wish that the person you want should come to you forever, after this is done pack that bag in a paper very well, and then go to a river or a sea and throw that packet in the water, remember while you are on the way to the sea or river, you should always keep in your mind that your love should come back to you, and you will start noticing the changes after 40 days.
Those earthy beginnings brought on wave after wave of new lovers who were frightened, shy, reserved—or just plain old lost—and required aids for wading through the swamps of Love. Translation from ancient hieroglyphs and other anthropological findings, down to todays overwhelm-of-data on the net is very complex and not always clearly understood. But now, there is very clear indication that Love Spells, no matter whether to move into wedlock with a known soul mate, or to find Love, have been with us since long before modern civilizations. Ancient Egypt, clear back to the Kamitians, opened us to a vast array of amorous Spell Casting, and it has come right down to us, is still in the air today.
The goal, when using a spell for lovers—as is always the case with True Love—is to never manipulate but to do powerful work, with right intent. Bring forth the great qualities of the sweethearts. Then they are able to overcome the endless subterfuge, the unending bulwarks, the heart rendering road blocks that those meandering through unrequited Love must vanquish in order to fall into the arms of their Lover.
What about today, in the world of virtual-hyper-space? Do the Spells for the beloved travel up and down, riding the beams that flow between us and the satellites? Do the Love Signals travel globally over the net? Is there some possibility that they may even travel in a tight network all over the earth via the intricate, interlacing of the electromagnetic fields? The answer is yes on all counts. The scientists may not have pieced all the amazing intricacies of Love Spells together yet. But we do know that in modern times as well as days of yore, they help the lovers transcend. With the Magic of Integrity, the no-nos, the false rules, the limitations, the tragic barriers that society—and even the natural environment herself—the lovers can be hurl toward one another.


  1. Once upon a time when I was living in Pune, I won a contest on FM radio..
    The prize was to meet a tarot card reader lady who can give a love spell, but she will not give out the spell which can neutralise the previous spell.
    For some or the other reason I couldnt meet the lady..
    I am neither a believer of this nor a non-believer.
    Yet to see anything happen like this.

  2. Yea, let me know your experience about tarot card reading.

  3. Thank you very much for the massage you shared with us as am searching onlove spells,I appliciate when i see things like this. please keep it up and bring some more spells like black magic love spells


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